Quarrel at the head of the bed, reconciliation at the end of the bed (1)

Ye xiangnan was probably unhappy with her dragging him out. He got out of bed and walked over to the door. He crossed his arms and looked at her quietly."Su mu, you're not a little girl anymore."

Of course, su mu knew that. She just wasn't ready.

She held her pajamas in her hand and only looked up after a long time.

Ye xiangnan looked at her.

"I'm going to take a shower," su mu said softly.

He looked at her again and went back to the bedroom.

this time, ye xiangnan didn't read the magazine. instead, he skimmed through the work of the next day. about ten minutes later, su mu came out of the bathroom.

She wasn't wearing any slippers and was only wearing a cotton nightgown. She walked slowly towards him.

ye xiangnan put down his phone and looked at her quietly.

su mu bit his lip so hard that it almost bled.

she carefully sat on the edge of the bed, hesitated for a moment, and reached out to turn off the bedside lamp.