She was discovered taking birth control pills (5)

In the end, he didn't even finish the bowl of noodles.

ye xiangnan went back to the bedroom. he wanted to sleep but couldn't, as he felt something was missing beside his pillow.

it had only been one night, and she urged him to sit up and smoke.

His gaze was fixed on the medicine bottle.

it was a little fierce.

it was about two o 'clock in the morning, but he was still awake. he got up, put on his clothes, and drove to the hospital.

He wanted to see what that woman had done to him.

The car was parked in the hospital's parking lot. Ye xiangnan smoked two more cigarettes before he got in.

The ward was quiet, without a sound.

Ye xiangnan pushed the door open and walked in.

It was still quiet. Su mu had fallen asleep. Besides the faint smell of disinfectant, there was also a faint feminine fragrance in the air.

Ye xiangnan closed the door, but he didn't go over. He just stood at the door quietly for a while.