he wanted to turn a fake act into reality 3

the manager also came over. when he saw the scene, he asked what was going on.

The doorman told him the truth because the membership card could only be used for one person and couldn't be used for two tables at the same time.

Ye xiangnan frowned. He knew that Lin Lu had returned to the country in the past two days, but he didn't expect her to come here again. He had brought her here for a meal once, but she didn't have a card. It seemed a little too intimate for her to use his name and spend the money directly. He hadn't been so intimate with any woman.

That was why he was unhappy.

su mu wanted to change the place to eat, so he said directly, " manager Lin, put the food on Starlight's account and let manager Lin pay the bill at Starlight. As for my membership, don't give it to irrelevant people in the future, except for my wife.

He turned his body and motioned to su mu.