I'm su MU's husband v

Sister Hong turned around and cast a glance at her. She probably guessed su MU's thoughts and smiled."I'm fine. You can go back first if you want to. This little bit of wine is nothing to me."

Su mu nodded and planned to go back first. She went to bed very early.

du meili said, " are you here to accompany Mr. Ye? su mu, why don't you introduce him to us? "

su mu felt that she was going on and on. was it because every man had not shown interest in her that she would not give up?

Su mu wanted to ignore her, but he had to.

"senior du, he's just my friend. There's no such thing as accompanying or not."

She regretted giving her ye xiangnan's phone number in a fit of anger.

but now, they would be entangled in the future.

She didn't even know if ye xiangnan would punish her when he got drunk later.

Su mu thought that if her family could trust her, she would definitely hide tonight. But she was alone and there was no way to hide.