will you also be with those stinky men 2

then, he lowered his head.

maybe it's the effect of the alcohol.

After struggling for a while, su mu didn't refuse him anymore. Instead, he put his hands around his neck.

[ crawling in harmony ]

early in the morning, when she woke up, the light was blinding, and she instinctively reached out to block it.

When she came back to her senses, she immediately sat up.

This is a bedroom in the Qin Zhuan hotel?

su mu lowered his head and looked around. he recalled that he had urged her to be with ye xiangnan last night.

She bit her lip and wanted to remember, but then she heard a faint voice coming from outside.

it was ye xiangnan. he spoke in a business-like tone, as if he was explaining something to secretary li.

su mu bit his lip, pulled up his bathrobe, and went out barefooted.

she thought that it was secretary li outside, but she didn't expect it to be the second secretary, secretary xiao, and a few other middle-and high-level executives.