Ye xiangnan, this pretty boy, is quite powerful 6

"That was an accident. I won't do it again," Zhang fucai said with a smile.

it's not my business in the future. But think about your wife. She followed you at such a young age and worked hard to raise two children. If she's still a sleazy person, how can she face her? " as sister hong spoke, she picked up her coat. " let's go. you drank. i'll send you off. "

zhang fucai was flattered. he had been thinking about sister hong recently. although he didn't dare to think in that direction, it was good to be able to be alone for a while, especially in a car. just thinking about it made his heart flutter.

Sister Hong quickly poured cold water on his hopes."don't think too much. i just feel that you might spend money to find a woman after drinking. it's not worth it for your wife, so i'm willing to give it to you. don't think too much. zhang fucai, don't think too much about those things. you're no different from a eunuch to me."