you can't touch this!2

Master Cheng ate it with a smile and praised, " "it tastes really good. you women are so attentive. you even cut the apple into pieces. you're not like us, rough men, who gnaw on it in big mouthfuls. you're not refined at all."

Xiao Mao felt even more aggrieved. He was the one who cut the Apple, and master Cheng had just scolded him for being worse than a woman!

Master Cheng was still smiling, his eyes almost glued to sister Hong's body.

Even though he had hit her, his woman still cared about her.

just as master cheng was one-sided announcing their love, the door opened, and a rather embarrassed woman rushed in.

It was none other than su Zhiyan.

Su Zhiyan's face was Haggard, but it was different from her usual haggardness. She stood at the door and said in a daze, " "Master Cheng, I can't buy any more cigarettes."

master cheng frowned and looked at sister hong.