We're all children of the pugilistic world, so a piece of paper doesn't matter (3)

master cheng would occasionally go out and hang up with little cai. later, sister hong told him about it, so he cherished his skin more and rarely got hurt.

The days were smooth, and master Cheng had never felt so warm before.

he would follow her to work during the day, and when he came back at night, the auntie would prepare dinner. they would eat together, then take a walk or sometimes go shopping. women liked to buy things, so master cheng would be responsible for carrying things and swiping his card.

they were actually living like a normal married couple, except that they did not have a marriage certificate.

Sister Hong had asked about it before, but master Cheng had said that they were all from the pugilistic world, so she didn't ask anymore.

Anyway, it's fine as long as you're doing well, Yingluo.