Sister Hong is pregnant? whose child is it?(3)

zhang fucai didn't dare to ask who the child was. after holding it in for a long time, he went out for a smoke and even asked his wife to cook a pot of chicken soup. his wife especially admired sister hong and didn't care much when she knew it was his ex-wife. she probably trusted sister hong very much.

Du Meili was sitting in front of the bed. Sister Hong turned her head and smiled."You must really want to know who the child is, right?"

Du Meili shook her head.

"The child is my own," sister Hong said with a smile.

"It's master Cheng's, isn't it?" du Meili asked carefully.

sister hong's lips quivered slightly, but she didn't deny it.

Du Meili was even more excited than her. you really want to give birth to that bastard's child? that bastard said he didn't want it, so you gave birth to his child, sister Hong? "

"professor lin is such a good person, don't be silly," she continued.