he always made her angry and cry (3)

"That's good. How's the child?" master Cheng touched his head.

the auntie laughed again. " how can you tell? the child is still young. besides, it's in the stomach. how can you tell with the naked eye? "

"that's true," master cheng nodded in agreement.

On second thought, the prenatal examination was in half a month's time, and he would accompany her. Wouldn't she be able to see the baby then?

master cheng liked sons. sons were strong and could withstand falls. after giving birth to a son, he would have his most precious little daughter. this way, the older brother could protect his younger sister.

but later, master cheng thought sadly,'i can't even touch it, what's the point of giving birth!'

master cheng's heart was cold. he went downstairs while she was sleeping.