Unqualified. A Born King

What caused them to blanch was not simply the fact that Wolf Blade was an assassin.

If he was only an average killer without proper training, they would not be as petrified. After all, Yun Jian was capable too. She had won against Shiniji with one single technique and could even snatch the pistol from him and capacitate both his hands after that.

It was plain that Yun Jian was not an average girl too.

Nonetheless, Wolf Blade claimed to be the tenth elite in the assassin ranking.

Who among the top ten assassin and secret agent charts had not survived from bloodshed and bullets? These top twenty people, either one of them, could wreak havoc with just a stomp of their foot once they stepped out onto the battlefield.

Shiniji had actually hired Wolf Blade who was ranked tenth in the assassin chart! – For the sole reason of vengeance against Yun Jian!