Why Should I Help Shabby Relatives?

As Qin Yirou heard what Zhang Meihua rage, she grew more astonished until her eyes were wide like saucers in the end.

She glanced at Yun Jian and argued for her daughter in a stutter. "This – uh… Mom! How could Xiao Jian possibly have over ten million Chinese yuan! And she doesn't know any Mayor Gu… There must be a misunderstanding…"

"Could your brother-in-law be making things up!" Zhang Meihua cut her off in a huff and a glare.

Zhang Tiejun who had been staring at Yun Jian for a long time finally spoke up. His tone was grim and slightly worried. "Yirou, could I be spewing nonsense? Xiao Jian is right here. What happened that day was clear as day. Ask her if you don't believe it!"

After Zhang Tiejun was ignored that day, he had already thought of a bunch of methods.