Stopping The Motorcycle With A Kick

Si Yi's lips were lightly pressed together in a smirk. As he felt Yun Jian's gaze, he turned to her, his soft tone making her heart stutter.

"What is it?" His rich baritone voice was melodious to listen to.

"Nothing." Like a student who was caught red-handed by their teacher, she turned away from Si Yi, her cheeks burning in the next second.

She already knew that Si Yi was An Hun's leader, so Lin Wei was his underling.

Yun Jian knew Lin Wei as well. The reason she could recognize him at a glance was because the man was once her superior. He was in charge of training her in An Hun back when she was Slaying God in her previous life.

Lin Wei's style of assassination was decisive, he was incredibly brutal in his ways. Yun Jian had acquired her skills in her past life under his training.