He’s Back With A Kiss

The New Year Joint Program held collaboratively by Di Yi Senior High School and Longmen Yi Junior High School was not exactly a success due to the accident, but overall it was rather satisfactory. No one could expect an accident, after all.

Yun Jian spent a few days in peace but not leisurely. Snake.Lizard texted her not too long ago, informing her that the old folks in Gu Sha Mercenaries were eagerly planning something big currently, they were probably unable to hold themselves back and sit still anymore.

Moreover, Yun Jian as the legitimate Gu Sha boss had not shown herself for a long time. These older men were most probably revolting soon.

Yun Jian had only narrowed her eyes when she heard the news, asking Snake.Lizard to continue keeping an eye on those men.

It seemed that it was necessary for her to make a trip back to the Gu Sha Mercenaries headquarter. Some things were better to be tended to now than later.