Not Bad. A Provocation

This was a mafia boss they were speaking about. How could it be possible that it was a young girl?

Asking a teenage girl to manage an actual gang? This was no child's play!

The same thought ran through everyone's mind but they did a double take on the trio still.

Although they assumed Xu Zetian to be the boss and Yun Jian and Qing You to be his underlings, it was still astonishing.

A mafia boss bringing two young ladies to attend a national mafia group tea party – was he planning to embarrass himself?

Anyone and everyone knew that this tea party was a friendly match for the best fighters in the mafia groups. Put plainly, it was a contest to see which gang had a higher combat power.

The fighters others brought were sinewy and broadly built and then there were Yun Jian, Qing You and Xu Zetian… 

Xu Zetian whom everyone assumed to be the boss stood in front while Yun Jian and Qing You stood beside him.