I Can’t Hear It. She Wants Justice

What Yun Jian did almost made everyone pass out from the scare but what she said after that shuddered them.

Just joking?

Who joked around by throwing a butterfly knife at someone's head?

Despite that, Wang Ba, Wang Ba's mother, and Miss Lu did not dare make a sound. They sensed a sliver of murderous intent from Yun Jian. In addition, the girl could fetch the butterfly knife using the environment around her to bounce it back after throwing it. Such a skill was unlikely a coincidence!

"So are you apologizing now?" Yun Jian tilted her head, easily threatening Wang Ba's mother as she looked at her leisurely while holding Yun Zhu.

Said woman could not help gulping. Her hand that was holding Wang Ba twitched and ultimately gave a nudge to her son from fear, quickly losing edge.

Wang Ba's mother nudged her son, glancing at Yun Jian in terror, like she had not yet recovered from the initial fright. "Ba'er, apolo—apologize!"