She Can Speak Country A’s Language

Usually when an argument broke out between team members, their respective leaders would step out to mediate the situation. This time was no exception.

That was why Yun Jian had only watched from the side without chipping in.

After Yu Fengcheng spoke to Liu Shiyun, leader of Team Monarch, on behalf of Champ Squad, it signaled the end of the quarrel.

Even when Yu Fengcheng was unhappy with Team Monarch like Shao Weiming was, he would only criticize them indirectly. He was not going to tear down Chu Xiangnan with an explosive temper like Shao Weiming did.

In addition to Yu Fengcheng's tone, the situation was dissolved.

When Shao Weiming sat back down in his seat with a huff, Chu Ning ran over to grab Chu Xiangnan who was still fuming to head for the upper level of the double-decker bus, possibly separating him from Shao Weiming who was on the base level.