Work Together Or—I Can’t Accept It

Shao Weiming's specific jab revived no reaction from Yun Jian while Chu Xiangnan, Chu Ning, and others tuned him out automatically as they turned a blind eye when it came to him.

Being ignored, Shao Weiming huffed and kept quiet in the end.

"Alright, quiet down!" Yu Fengcheng acted like he was the leader of all three squads again, calling out with a tap on the coffee table in front of him.

With that, everyone settled down.

"All three squads are here for the same mission, so we need to work together! Besides, the target of our mission is a globally infamous thief!" Yu Fengcheng expressed his thoughts.

"So you mean we should team up and work together?" someone asked.

Yu Fengcheng continued to express his view like he was making the most sense. "Yes, all three teams of us will work together to catch the thief and retrieve the item! During this time, I hope that we can unite to accomplish the task together without any more fights!"