Yun Jian’s Advance. The Speed Of Light

Watching how Zhang Qin's grandfather and the others were about to come to them with pitching shovels, Lu Feiyan's mother shoved both the younger girls.

Yun Jian narrowed her eyes. In conjunction with what had happened previously, including Lu Feiyan explaining the complete situation to her, she could already gauge the current state of things.

When Lu Feiyan's mother did not forget to push her aside while pushing Lu Feiyan away, Yun Jian's eyes widened, not expecting the woman to protect her equally.

Nonetheless, Lu Feiyan must have gotten her moral conduct from her parents. The girl herself was principled, so her mother must naturally be decent as well.

"Mom!" Lu Feiyan shouted. At the same time she did, Yun Jian's arm shot out.

The moment Lu Feiyan's mother pushed her and Lu Feiyan away, her pair of fair little hands snaked up the woman's wrist spontaneously and yanked her to where she was with a jolt of exertion.