Taking Statements. What Happened?

The policeman was the one who Yun Jian had met in the station just earlier.

After Lu Feiyan and her mother left the police station having visited the man of their family, the policeman had boasted to his colleagues there that he had met a member of the Advance Special Forces. He had even gestured in exaggeration, saying that the member of ASF looked like a girl who was not even eighteen years old yet!

The tall policeman had mocked him then, "An underage ASF? Hah, you think it's so easy to become one? Even if it's a new found talent, they can only become a Special Forces candidate entering the training camp. Not everyone gets to become an Advance Special Forces!"

When he said that, he even added triumphantly, "My cousin's a Special Forces soldier. He's been one for over a decade but he can't even step into the threshold of the ASF."