Sir Third. Go Up To Heaven

A fiery red Ferrari LaFerrari was speeding along the highway from Longmen City to Taizhou City. 

The red sports car overtook countless cars as the pedal was stepped pushing the car to its limit.

Passing a traffic mirror, it was reflected that the mirror on the car showed a small fresh and delicate face.

Yun Jian drove her LaFerrari, cruising straight on the highway that was rather empty with cars.

She had only one destination in mind, Flying Passage Gang in Taizhou City.

She was also the only person involved in what she was about to do. She did say that she alone was enough, so she did not allow anyone from Falcon Hall to go with her to Taizhou City.

Moreover, Xu Zetian needed care. The successful surgery did not mean that he was totally out of risk. The gunshot was close to his heart. He would have to recuperate with care and attention in order to heal and recover.