The End Of Flying Passage And Xu Zetian’s Wife

Laying a finger on anyone and even anything of Falcon Hall would have one end one up like Flying Passage!

Flying Passage was ruined!

As if to prove the point, Yun Jian had led Falcon Hall's high-ranking members to invade Flying Passage's headquarters after she went back.

Losing their leader, Flying Passage was caught in internal strife. Striking an invasion on Falcon Hall at this time, Yun Jian and her men managed to subdue all of Flying Passage's executive members despite being outnumbered. They had taken over the whole group in less than a day!

Zhe Province's second biggest mob, Flying Passage, one that even the province's largest mafia group, Panthers Pack, could not eliminate, was overthrown by Falcon Hall, the gang ranked last in the whole province in less than a day and was swiftly absorbed by it.

Now that Falcon Hall had dominated Flying Passage's territory, it naturally became the second biggest gang in Zhe Province by default!