Your Sugar Daddies. More Visitors

The reason Qin Fenger was making unfounded accusations was purely because she held a strong prejudice against Yun Jian. She wanted their relatives and friends to scrutinize Yun Jian—best if they misunderstood her as a plaything of Si Yi!

After all, everyone assumed Si Yi to come from a wealthy family when he made his appearance with the Lamborghini sports car. Who else could afford a sports car of over a million yuan other than prodigal heirs?

Country Z's economy was only beginning to climb in 1998. It was until the twenty-first century that the economy began an obvious rising trend as technological developments amazed people.

What was certain for now was that cost of living was dirt cheap in 1998.

"Sugar baby?" Si Yi repeated with an arch of his brow before Yun Jian said anything. His gorgeous face looked like a god had personally sculpted it had no flaw.