Stay The Night. Spar With You

Receiving Ge Junjian's word of assurance, Qin Yirou was considerably relieved. It was then the delight came. She was happy for Yun Jian's outstanding ability.

Being Yun Jian's mother, Qin Yirou was more than proud of her daughter at Ge Junjian's commendation.

As for Qin Li and others who were completely neglected, they excused themselves meekly in succession, no longer having the face to stay here.

Zhang Meihua did not persuade them to stay either, occupied with serving Yun Jian, Ge Junjian, Zhang Zhifan, and others. She did not even have the time to see Qin Li and others off. Zhang Meihua was a realist. She clung to whoever was successful.