A Family Fight: Loving Herself More

Mu Lanhua was a materialistic old woman. Her biggest pride when she was out and about was her money-making son.

Usually, she dressed herself up lavishly and obtrusively like a bourgeois old lady, while she looked down at poorer families. In between that, she was making acquaintances with rich housewives.

Mu Lanhua had not been courteous to Si Yi and Yun Jian from the start but she was now speechless.

"Grandma! It hurts!" Wei Jin, as a child, did not have much grasp on the concept of a large sum of money. When he saw Mu Lanhua not standing up for him like she usually did, he put his hands on his buttocks and shouted at her in a wail.

His demand was clear,

Mu Lanhua would try to get anything for him, even when he asked for the stars, every time she heard his cries. Today, however, his grandmother was indifferent even when she heard his bawl.