Running Away With A Tail Between Their Legs

"Battling Dragons really can't compare to you all!" Chief Yuan chorused what Chu Ning said swiftly. Elated and impressed by such talent from Yun Jian, his comment came without much thought when it was Chu Ning who was from the same team as Yun Jian who spoke.

As an easygoing person, Chief Yuan was straightforward with his words and had a candid personality. He was not someone to mince his words to avoid offenses.

Therefore, when he had openly stated that Battling Dragons could not compare to Team Monarch right in front of Ai Guoxun and everyone of Battling Dragons, he was not at all worried about affronting them. He was their superior anyway!

On the other hand, how could Yu Luo take it when her superior was blatantly pointing out that her team was lacking compared to Yun Jian's? She was not Battling Dragons' leader but she was also a guiding captain.