Liu Ziyun Asks, Honesty He Shall Receive

She would dare kill someone, what else was there that she dared not do?

What Yun Jian said roused everyone's panic, especially the old bachelors who saw Yun Jian as a hooker just now. They were currently staring at her in extreme disbelief and shaking in fear.

Although Yun Jian had not fired the shot, just how Si Yi coddled Yun Jian was enough for everyone there to be alarmed.

The unmarried short geezer whose members were shot just now had only made a slight comment about Yun Jian and Si Yi had made sure his organ was defunct!

No one there dared make another sound under such tension. It would be suicidal to do so! As for the short old man flailing on the ground holding his crotch, no one wanted to care about him. After all, he had not been the most decent person usually.

In spite of it, it would be worse if he died, so some older and more experienced ones had still gone over to help the short geezer up to the only outdated clinic in Luo Village.