Assist Me. Lan Su Wakes Up

"Yes," Yun Jian nodded as she met Qin Yirou's inquisitive gaze, answering without hesitation.

After a pause, she pressed her lips together and said softly, "I do have acquaintances with Falcon Hall. Mom, you understand too, New Cruise is only a business legally. You've probably heard that Falcon Hall is joining forces with New Cruise."

Qin Yirou was eased with Yun Jian's explanation. After all, there had been rumors about New Cruise working together with Falcon Hall recently.

The truth, however, was that Yun Jian had yet to disclose the fact that she was the boss of Falcon Hall. If her identity as Falcon Hall's boss was revealed to Qin Yirou, the latter would only worry about her even more.