Drag And Draw—Her Brutality

While both Xu Zhouming's hands grabbed two downward pointing blades, the abrupt sense of danger he felt prompted him to look up and see the butterfly knife that Yun Jian had flicked toward him.

"Leopard Head, come back, stop acting impulsively!" Xu Zhouzheng's old friend who was Bear.Might's underling shouted at him.—Leopard Head was Xu Zhouming's moniker.

Although Bear.Might did not tell his underlings Yun Jian's identity as their boss of Gu Sha Mercenaries, these men who had come with Bear.Might today had met Yun Jian before back in the catacomb. They had all witnessed her ability!

Forget about Xu Zhouming. Just the fact that Yun Jian had gone through the stone cave in the catacomb with a barrage of flying arrows and shooting darts, that no one else other than Si Yi, Ya Dang, and Mo Sen were able to, had already deemed her more skilled than everyone here in the event combined!

This was why Xu Zhouming's old friend shouted at him.