This Will Be How You End Up

"When you go back, tell Snake.Lizard to remove Xu Zhouming's name from Gu Sha Mercenaries. From today onward, Xu Zhouming shall disappear from this world forever!" Yun Jian told Bear.Might facing him with her side profile. Her tone was light but her words were authoritative.

Honestly, the skill Yun Jian had shown just now surprised even Zhang Zhifan and Duan Lei. What she said now, however, bewildered everyone there.

Remove Xu Zhouming's name from Gu Sha Mercenaries? Who did she think she was to have the say in Gu Sha?

Intimidated by Yun Jian's ability earlier, though, no one there dared say anything to belittle her.

"Got it." Bear.Might nodded.

The man was probably the only one who knew the head and tail of the situation now.

Why did Yun Jian have a say in Gu Sha Mercenaries? That was because she was the boss of the organization! The whole Gu Sha was hers. What did a mere Xu Zhouming stand for?