Until He’s Down. Two More Minutes

"Anytime you're ready!" Zhang Shaofeng was anything but confident but since Yun Jian had called it a challenge for him, he was never going to chicken out like a coward.

"Hmph!" Zhang Jian harrumphed and turned away.

Soon, the class went back to its peace. The students seemed to have quieted down from the commotion earlier but while it looked like that, not one of them was actually calm in their heart and soul.

Zhang Shaofeng and Zhang Jian were dueling again after one semester!

If Zhang Shaofeng was still the Zhang Shaofeng before, everyone in the class would assume that he would not be able to defeat Zhang Jian in a heartbeat. After all, he was thoroughly defenseless against Zhang Jian in the fight half a year ago; there was no point of comparison between them. Zhang Jian was simply much stronger and more powerful than Zhang Shaofeng.