Like She Said—No More Than One Strike

Yun Jian spoke coherently but what she said had only added a frown on most of the students there. They did not get it—of course most of them did not get it.

What Yun Jian said was undeniably profound despite speaking the truth.

Yun Jian did not take in trash and the lowest requirement for her disciple was to reach the level of a skilled secret agent or assassin; even if they could not ultimately become a famous presence in the international scene.

The reality was that Yun Jian herself was a dangerous person. To follow her around and stay alive around her, it meant that the person would be constantly in danger as well. 

What would happen when they were in the face of a threat then? Was she going to tell Zhang Shaofeng to give up struggling since it was so dangerous? Wait for his death? There was no way Yun Jian could do that, so she wanted the guy to only succeed without being defeated from now on.