Blatant Public Indecency

It was not Yun Jian's first time sitting in Si Yi's lap. The last time it happened, they were at home. This time, however, there were a lot of people around. Yun Jian was no longer a child too, so anyone who saw them would definitely get the wrong idea.

Moreover, it was not just the crowd who were having barbecues by the Nilong River. The scenery around Nilong River was picturesque. The beauty of nature was presented in the mountainous view and the crystal clear water of Nilong River; not murky at all, the water was so clear one could see the bottom and it was a natural emerald tone.

Due to pollution, natural scenery was a rare right. As the view here was exceptional, there were plenty of elders from either Guo Village or neighboring villages who came for walks.