Not Angry Anymore. A Foreign Languages Competition

Ya Dang winced instantly. Sneaking a glimpse at Snow Eagle beside him, he told Si Yi, "Young master, I was just thinking of teaching Snow Eagle something new. See, he's been single for so long and doesn't know a thing!"

"Are you sure you didn't want to watch it?" Snow Eagle was astonished by Ya Dang's nonsense.

"I…" Ya Dang started to bicker with him.

Bickering and play-fighting, it was undeniable that Ya Dang and Snow Eagle were truly best friends. 

While they fought, Mo Sen cracked a grin. At the same time, Si Yi had already made his way upstairs. It was only then Ya Dang and Snow Eagle who were standing on the second floor realized it. 

Ya Dang was slightly astonished. "Young master isn't angry anymore?"

"Perhaps…" Snow Eagle replied.

Mo Sen answered, "When young master leaves without a word, it usually means that he's sending us to the Amazon jungle."

Ya Dang and Snow Eagle were speechless at how brutally honest Mo Sen was.