A Racing Bet. How Did You Know?

It never crossed Shen Jie's mind that Si Yi would take the matter into account to this extent.

In the past, it was always Shen Jie who bullied others. There was no way others would be able to mistreat him. He was also one who liked forming cliques, grouping into a gang when he was studying overseas just to fight others.

Due to such circumstances, Shen Jie thought that he was almighty. When he kicked Qin Yirou just now, his spoiled rich kid mannerism showed as he went all-out in the attack.

What Shen Jie did not expect was Si Yi getting physical with him and was so fierce that he did not even have the chance to counterattack.

"I…" Shen Jie had to surrender under Si Yi's pressure. Shaking like a leaf, he continued to say, "I'm wrong! I can apologize…"