Like It Better. So Merciful

As Yun Jian spoke, she picked up her leg and stamped it down heavily the moment Zhang Chengrui was rising from momentum. Repeating the motion, Zhang Chengrui's head was pushed down to the ground in a kowtow, again and again, each time making a loud thud.

"It's fine if you don't want to call it. I'll just make you kowtow one thousand times," Yun Jian chuckled darkly as she repeated the action and made Zhang Chengrui kowtow several more times brutally.

Kowtow a thousand times? Zhang Chengrui's head would be crushed from it! The group could not help sucking in a cold breath.

As Zhang Chengrui's head was knocked to the ground continuously and resulted in heavy thuds, the sound made everyone's skin crawl.

"No! No!" Zhang Chengrui struggled as hard as he could, dizzy from the rise and fall of his forced kowtows, and even stretched his hand to the back to grab Yun Jian's foot that was stepping on his back—but he could not even reach her.