Really Did It. Ge Xuan’s Surprise

It had been a long time since Zhang Shaofeng, Ling Yichen, and Chen Xinyi started learning from Zhang Zhifan who managed New Cruise on behalf of Yun Jian. The three of them picked up the ways of running the company from the man right on the dot each day. Even hearing a lot about Yun Jian from him—how Yun Jian had led Zhang Zhifan and his men all the way to Longmen City from Xinjiang Town back then, how she bid for the current New Cruise location, and how she had developed New Cruise to what it was today.

Zhang Shaofeng had heard plenty of similar stories from Zhang Zhifan and had been incredibly impressed by Yun Jian. Now that he discovered that she was the big boss of Dime And Prime Company, one of the top ten multinational companies, he nearly fainted from astonishment.

That was because Yun Jian was also New Cruise's boss! She was so young yet she had done something others who were much older could not have achieved in their lives!