A New Girl

The girl ran fast—and she was running with her eyes closed. When she ran into Ning Lanlan, the latter did not even feel any pain. The girl was soft and supple like a ball of cotton.

She broke out of her trance when she realized she bumped into someone. Looking up at Ning Lanlan, she rubbed her eyes and started timidly, "S-sorry…"

Ning Lanlan was warm-hearted. When she saw that the girl was crying with tears still hanging off her lashes, she replied easily, "It's fine! It was just a little collision!"

Ning Lanlan was curious why the girl was crying so much. As a girl too, she looked at her in worry and pressed her lips together, asking after a while, "What's wrong? Do you need any help…"

"I'm fine, thank you!" The girl wiped her tears and sniffed before she fell silent. She took two shaky steps toward the zoo, her frail body making her look like she was going to fall.