His Bro Is Participating In The Race

Qin Yirou was not that worried about Yun Jian traveling now. Although going abroad was riskier, she could still accept it since Ge Xuan would be accompanying the girl.

Having decided to go, Ge Xuan purchased their flight tickets the next morning and boarded the plane with Yun Jian during noon to depart to Maryland in Country M.

The three friends who Ge Xuan had come back with, two of them aside from Shen Jie had returned to Country M some time ago. As for Shen Jie, he was still in the hospital recovering from being beaten by Yun Jian and Si Yi, so it would be impossible for him to go to school for the time being. Nevertheless, it was a favor to Ge Xuan that Yun Jian did not kill Shen Jie when he had kicked Qin Yirou.

Therefore, Yun Jian and Ge Xuan were the only ones in the plane for this trip.