The Day Before The Wedding

Seeing that Spectral Refiner had kept up with Yun Jian—in an elegant manner like a cultured gentleman, too, Phantom Flame recalled what the former said as she stood rooted before complaining, "What the heck? You're just trying to say bragging! Why did you make it sound so mysterious and in a roundabout way?"

Phantom Flame grumbled at Spectral Refiner before she suddenly winced in thinking of something else. "Sister Jian has to brag too?"

The boss of the international Gu Sha Mercenaries had to boast as well? No way?

People would be begging to meet Sister Jian should her identity be introduced across the globe. Why would she need to do something as cheap as bragging?

Before Phantom Flame could contemplate further, Diane pointed out the crux. "Haha, it's different. If it's purely to brag and boast, Sister Jian wouldn't need it! She's bragging to unreasonable people—that's what makes it different."