Entitled Old Hag Milking Her Age

Yun Jian's unnerving words that went to everyone's ears gave them a shudder.

Lu Lanhua's reputation in Xinjiang Town was horrible. There was no one else in the town who got along with her aside from the old woman who had gone to tell her the news earlier. There were a few of them previously but once there was a conflict of interest, Lu Lanhua fell out with them.

What was the most farcical was that Lu Lanhua would go to the person's house and pick a fight even if it had been days once she was irked by said person or had fought with said person. It ultimately caused people in Xinjiang Town to hate her.

Furthermore, people in town were watching with unclouded eyes. Each time Qin Yirou got into an argument with Yun Gang, Lu Lanhua had gone up to her cursing and hitting her even when Qin Yirou was being right.