Games For The Bridal Chamber’s Banter Ritual

Staring at Si Yi's handsome face that was getting closer to her, Yun Jian nodded involuntarily.

To be honest, Yun Jian had not expected Mo Sen and Ya Dang to be biological brothers either. The two guys did not look alike but scrutinizing them now with the new knowledge, they more or less resembled each other even if they were handsome in their own way and did not look similar at first glance.

Yun Jian actually nodded in subconscious listening to Si Yi's luring voice.

"Mn." As she nodded, her supple cheeks and youthful look made her look delicious.

It caused Si Yi to gulp. He had already pressed his gorgeous face to Yun Jian's cheek. One more centimeter and his lips would have touched her right cheek.

"Give me a kiss and I'll tell you," Si Yi blurted such shameless request when his throat ran dry at the sight of Yun Jian pressing her rosy lips together.