She’s the Heroine in the Mall Attack

If those who were around had treated what Yun Jian said in the beginning as a joke and Li Hang took what she said just now as a joke as well, the girl made it come true.

Due to that, no one dared doubt her again. 

Come on, they thought that the girl must only be kidding with the threat when she looked so sweet. In the end? Not only did she make the celebrity move out of her way—which he had refused to, she pulled out a knife from her pocket and cut his wrist.

That was not all! She stepped on his slit wrist. Goodness, that would kill him. Was she not scared of getting him killed? And it would be superstar Li Hang who was going to die!

The crowd was simply baffled. 

Li Hang's bodyguards and his female manager who were going to rush up to protect him stood rooted in shock, too, not daring to move due to Yun Jian's intimidation.