Putting on Life Jackets, Wait for Your Knight in Shining Armor

The middle-aged man who made his way over suddenly wore a casual top with a loose greyish brown pants that went over his knees. He walked with a limp, like his legs were not quite fine.

As the man stood in front of them, he interrupted what Si Yi was doing. He seemed a little awkward but he braved himself to speak up in order to get some business, "Hi, I'm Hang, you guys can call me Master Hang. I've driven boats around here for decades and I have one right now which can fit ten people. There are already eight passengers now."

"If you both come together and share the boat, I can charge you guys as part of the group and make it cheaper. Young lady, young man, are you interested?"

The middle-aged man was Master Hang. He was currently making a simple introduction to Yun Jian and Si Yi.