I’m Happy You’re Still Alive

Even Lin Shuya who had been guessing what Yun Jian was thinking was stunned. Once she snapped out of it, however, she scoffed and waved her hand at the crowd. "I think she just wants to hog the limelight. Hmph! The two of them must have planned this. If you don't believe me, just watch!"

Lin Shuya who suddenly thought of such an explanation blurted it. As she spoke, she was convinced that it must be the reason why Yun Jian was dashing toward the only girl in the shooting range. She had most probably talked about it to the girl standing at the shooting range and their goal was to seek attention in school; they were pretending to be mysterious and cool, like they were not from earth.

"Bunch of lunatics. They think we can't see past that? That they're directing and acting the drama on their own. Hah, they really think we're all fools…"