The Hunting School, a Massive Temptation

Seeing the drillmasters' astonished gazes, Yun Jian did not look the slightest bit proud that she could make these senior instructors who had come from all over the country react that way. She was unlike regular students and would not feel smug just because these senior instructors were surprised because of her.

"Be straightforward if you have something to say. I don't like indirect approaches," Yun Jian said without any change of expression looking at the instructor who stopped her just now.

Even when she was faced with so many drillmasters, she was unafraid.

The instructors were taken aback at Yun Jian's reaction. Drillmaster Zhou was stunned for a moment too, not expecting Yun Jian to say that.

If it were other teenagers, boys or girls, they would have been over the moon right now. Yun Jian? She was not even scared of saying the wrong thing in front of the instructors.