Inviting Danger

Xu Wei and Wu Bukui looked appalled. Xu Wei, especially, since she was the loudest in doubting Yun Jian just now; when Yun Jian told her "feel free to go if you want", she was already planning to pick up her foot and step forward, thinking how could the ground be a swamp when it looked flat and who was Yun Jian trying to fool?

Before Xu Wei could move forward, however, Yun Jian had thrown a huge rock to the front and the ground that seemed nothing out of the ordinary swallowed the rock. 

It was a swamp! This was what a swamp was! Yun Jian was right!

If Yun Jian had thrown the stone into the swamp just one moment slower, Xu Wei would be doomed once she set foot on the swamp!

Everyone was instantly frightened.

A student from Woolim Military School had even cried, "How is this possible? Didn't the drillmasters say that there won't be any danger? How come there's a swamp here? This is impossible, this—"