First Trip Home After the Military Training

Rather than saying that Lonewolf had obediently left with the group of elite assassins, it was more like he had vanished on the spot the fastest he could with the group of elite assassins like they had ran into something terrorizing.

Things went back to silence soon after that—it was unsettlingly silent.

Everyone was simply baffled as they stared at Yun Jian. They opened their mouth then closed it, not being able to produce any word.

Those elite assassins in addition to the one heading the group, Lonewolf—who was ranked ninth on the international assassin chart—had just fled… because of a few words from Yun Jian?

"This… Um…" It was Old Sir Mu who broke the silence ultimately.

Even a man like Old Sir Mu who had long gotten used to various strange, unusual things was currently stuttering like he was in so much disbelief.