It’s Not an Exaggeration to Call Her God

Everyone was surprised at what Yun Jian said. Whether it was the instructors who came after Yu Shaoluo later, Lin Yuan, Ning Caidie and Yun Jian's other new roommates, or the other students who were here for the food festival, they were stunned by Yun Jian's brazen claim.

No matter how astonished and baffled they were, they were not as shocked as Yu Shaoluo and his comrades. The boss of the European black market was really a man named Glenn!

Furthermore, Yu Shaoluo had just told Yun Jian that her father and a team of Interpol were catching the European black market boss but they were caught instead—and she had named the boss without any mistake!

Even if it were the boys who studied in the military school and paid closer attention to international affairs, they could hardly find out the name of the European black market boss.