She Knows Perfectly

The front of Glenn's lair was the biggest casino in Country X named Glennal Casino. His true basecamp was located at the back of the casino. 

To go in there, one had to pass through Glennal Casino.

The entrance of Glennal Casino was securely guarded. Any subtle noise or movement would alert the security guards. To enter, one had to go through a security check by the guards stationed at the casino entrance.

Yun Jian was familiar with the place since she had been here more than once in the past. Back then, she came as Slaying God but was disguised into another face.

Not many, be it in the illegal business or the assassin and secret agent field, had seen Slaying God's real face. She had probably appeared in public all the time but each time she appeared, her face changed and each face was a different shape that there were times she was tall, short, fat, or thin.

The outsiders had no idea what Slaying God looked like at all.